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    SEO tips when choosing URL address / domain name ​

    Choosing the URL is the first step you as an entrepreneur or blogger think about. The URL address cannot be changed and therefore it is important you get it right right from the start! Here we list 5 important things to consider when choosing your URL address.

    1. Choose the right domain name

    The URL address is what customers use to get to your particular website. The address you choose as a customer usually via a web host. The most popular web hotel in Sweden is today The URL should ideally reflect your business and give customers and visitors an idea of what kind of page it is. For example, if you sell car parts in Gothenburg, you can have “”.

    If you’re targeting nationally, it’s a good idea not to have names of locations in the URL. For example, “” might be a good option. If your audience is international, it is best to use a URL address in English. You can also use your brand or company name. For example, if your company is called GBG Auto Parts, you can reflect this in the URL address.

    2. Make sure the URL address is straightforward

    The next step now is to choose a URL address that is easy to understand for customers. For example, if we use the example in the first paragraph, you shouldn’t have numbers or characters in the URL. Search engines can flag such URL addresses for SPAM and it can inhibit search engine optimization.

    Examples of a bad URL address are: “” or “”. Be concise when choosing the URL address and make it easy to get a picture of what to expect when visiting your page.

    Choose a clear URL address so that visitors understand what the website is all about

    URL address to rank better on Google

    3. Should I or .se?

    If you are conducting a business aimed at a Swedish audience, .se addresses are the very best when choosing a URL address. Domain names with .se help you with search engine optimization and climb faster than .com addresses in, and You can always rent the .com address to have it in case the business becomes international in the future. Choosing a .com address is always recommended if you have an international audience and use an English-language URL address.

    Do I use the keywords many times in the text so will Google rank it higher? Think about it. Spamming keywords in a page or text can have the opposite effect!

    4. Don’t overuse keyword URL url address

    Many people believe that it is better for search engine optimization to use repetitive phrases and keywords in a URL address. However, when Google’s algorithms read the URL, they can flag SPAM and you will need to change the address completely. Therefore, it is good to consider this before choosing the URL address. Examples of overused keywords are (if we use the same example as in the first paragraph): “” Also avoid hyphens to the extent you can.

    5. Get it right from the start!

    When you start your website it is good to have a URL address that visitors will remember. Having your brand in the URL address is always good but you can also have a website with a unique name that is “eyecatching” and makes customers remember your website.

    In conclusion, you should always keep in mind that the URL you choose stays with and is difficult to change if you have had it for a long time. Always make sure to get it right right from the start and don’t rush to choose a unique URL address that reflects the content of your website in the best way!

    SEO tips! Don't overuse keywords!

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